Afijo F.C.I. 1778 1 de Febrero de 1983 | Galapagar, Madrid. 28260 Telf.: +34-639421292 | Email: | Email:

Talhula Sweet de La Charola

Talhula Sweet de La CharolaTalhula Sweet de La CharolaTalhula Sweet de La CharolaTalhula Sweet de La Charola

Ch. The Cream of Franco’s Valley  x  Janeca of Franco’s Valley

04/12/1998 Hips: Clear Eye Certificate


Padres Abuelos Bisabuelos
Ch. The Cream of Franco’s Valley

Ch. WW96 Cinmarsh Cassanova

Ch. Nortonwood Miss of Garbank

Bolberry Chaconne at Moorquest

Muskan Miss Demeanor of Cinmarsh

Ch. Bethrob Bracken

Westley Sabrina of Nortonwood

Janeca of Franco’s Valley

Ch. WW96 Cinmarsh Cassanova

Amirene Queen Bee

Bolberry Chaconne at Moorquest

Muskan Miss Demeanor of Cinmarsh

Ch. Stanroph Soldier Boy

Darris Double Dutch at Amirene